We had a very nice turn out for Friday night - over 30 attendees. Saturday was a very nicely attended picnic of around 150 people. Weather was very comfortable. All in all I think we had another successful AHS weekend.
Bob Hartsock, Gene Consolo, Shirley Newcamp/Pantano, Buzz Lodge

Betty Erwin Gertner, Will Gertner, Marge Hartsock

Jim McRoberts ('54), Artie Vogel and Jane ('54), Shirley sitting across from her partner John McRandal, Ray Ebel and wife sitting across from him and Norma Racki

Lowell Fraunholz, Betty Erwin Gertner, Bob Racki

Marge Morcom Hartsock, Bob Hartsock

Front Row L-R: Jack Thomas, Salli Greulich, Salli Lodge, Bob Ferris, Marge Hartsock, Shirley Hartsock, Shirley Brusco, Lowell Fraunholz, and Bob Racki.
Back row L-R: John McRandal and Gene Consolo