Aspinwall High School Class of 1955
Squaw Valley Park, PA, Sep. 1, 2007
by Gene Consolo
On Saturday, September 1, 2007, some of the AHS Class of 55 attended the AHS Annual Picnic, preceded by a dinner the night before at Silky's in Sharpsburg. We had a great evening at Silky's. The weather was perfect. The accommodations on the patio were better than we had expected. The food and drink were just right for an informal gathering, and everyone was ready for and had a good time.
All those who attended Silky's also came to the picnic the next day, along with several more of our Classmates. Our Class of 55 picture for 2007 is shown here along with several other candid photos.
The Class of 57 had their 50th Reunion this year, so they had the largest attendance, but the Class of 55 came in second with 13 Classmates in attendance along with spouses and significant others.
Classmates attending were:
Sally Bollinger/Greulich (PA)
Shirley Brusco (PA)
Gene Consolo (MI/FL)
Milt Ertel (PA)
Betty Erwin/Gertner (WI/TX)
Salli Hamre/Lodge (PA)
Nancy Humes/Hannigan (PA)
Rege Kane (FL)
Marge Morcomb/Hartsock
John McRandal (PA)
Bob Racki (PA)
Jack Thomas
Joe Thomas (PA)I hope that we can top this attendance next year. If those that attended have any other candid pictures that were captured electronically, please send them to Don Swaim or to me and I forward them on to Don.