TGIF PARTY 11/16/12
Winners announced on Nov. 16, 2012, at 86West Restaurant in Doylestown by Bill Donahue, editor of Philadelpha Life Magazine and Suburban Life Magazine. First prize Javad Mohsenian; Second Jules Winistorfer; Third Don Swaim; Fourth Pina Rahill. Alan Shils wielded a camera with a mean telephoto lens. Read all the haiku entries HERE. .
Text & Pictures by Alan Shils
I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Obviously, I cannot only take photos of what I am 'supposed' to. I look around for anything else that may be interesting.
So we have a very colorful drink in its before and after stages with the critical taste test.
 Cathy Hilliard
Here is a closeup of a cute item of jewelry on a cute young lady, and I believe all the ladies in our group are the best looking young women of any writing group!

 Natalie Dyen
 Virginia Bortin
 Natalie & Virginia

Candle flames are also 'cute.'
 Daniel Dorian
Professor Dorian is (?obviously?) lecturing about French Theater using Italian gestures proving he is a truly an International Man.
 Marlene Prost, Jackie Nash
 Marlene, Jackie, Daniel, Natalie
 Wil Kirk, Don Swaim, Bill Donahue
Above are the gentlemen (not so much cute but handsome) including our Fearless Leader and The Judge.
 Pina Rahill
 Matt Barrett, Wil Kirk

There are the prizes (that I never try to win because I just want to have fun.) The winning pieces were great - congrats to their authors!
 Don Swaim introducing Bill Donahue
 Don shows magazines Bill edits
 Bill announcing prize winners
 Alan ShilsLastly, the guy who is normally is at the other end of the lens.