The Bucks County Writers Workshop
Stupid Names
You don't necessarily have to resort to the telephone book to come up with names for your characters. Here's a list of names I culled from junk mail over a two-day period. Feel free to use them. Obviously, the names are made up. Clearly, there is little relationship between the first names and the last.
Spammers, the lowest form on earth (next to certain elected politicians), manufacture names to hide their true identities. In no case did I ever open the spam. I merely copied the name of the "sender" before trashing the "mail." There are actually sites to aid spammers in concocting phony names. One is:
Funny Names. If anyone comes up with similar sites let me know -- and feel free to send me your own name lists for posting. But please, never, never read spam. Use a filter to direct it into a junk folder, which you can scan every couple of days to make sure nothing important was sent there by mistake. And above all, never open any attachment from someone you don't know. Spammers have no dignity, pride, or conscience -- and much spam is not merely annoying but criminal.
Alfonzo E. Jimenez
Alyce Burnett
Amabel Fhithrit
Angelica Medeiros
Annabel Dsmec
Arron Burch
Arturo Meadows
Audrey Arredondo
Augustus Ztfin
Autumn Cornell
Autumn Preston
Beacher Allmond
Belinda E. Pool
Bernardo Haskins
Brandon Spaulding
Bridget Hurst
Britney Gillespie
Brooks Kimberly
Carlo Warner
Chandra C. Amos
Chase Heath
Chester Swain
Christopher Mcintosh
Cierra Morse
Clarissa Caron
Clemente Cottle
Colby Bunch
Coleman Beasley
Constance Manning
Curil Mims
Daniel Dgahceee
Deirdre Crum
Dusty S. Fox
Edwin Oaltuss
Elmo Shipley
Elnora Suniga
Eloy Irving
Emery Sridhbu
Emma Mcnair
Enrique Quintana
Ester Greene
Evangeline Foster
Evelina Bevis
Everette Farr
Ezra Herman
Freida Haynes
Gene Caron
Georgina Bentley
Georgina Lindsay
Gordon Champagne
Gretchen Fortaleza
Gus Steward
Helga Villegas
Hershel Gallegos
Homer Spadea
Hoover Maggie
Hubert Harrison
Hugo Divine
Isaiah Ygat
Ismael Sanchez
Jemima Fllo
Jen Trlypc
Jenny Uscapicm
Jessye Emmet
Josefina Calvert
Josiah Crum
Kelly Chan
Kenji Wilkerson
Kory Delaney
Lacy Hess
Lazaro Kemp
Leanne Rodrigues
Lenny Gagnon
Leslie Kurta
Lilian Dick
Lindset Drummond
Logan Ryan
Mamie Grayson
Marisol Stovall
Maryellen Tompkins
Melba Hickey
Melody Reid
Mia Morse
Missy Melvin
Miyoshi Pietro Ersilia
Mollie Duarte
Muriel Oonaba
Myron Sams
Nikki Darcy
Noelle Hackett
Osborn Lennox
Paddy Aljemal
Pasquale Louis
Phemie Kenton
Raul Delaney
Raul Roland
Reggie Tuttle
Reyes Schafer
Rickie Gabriel
Robin Ueneloa
Rodrigo Haney
Ronald Zer
Ronny Winkler
Rosamund Njans
Roscoe Strieker
Rosella Huerta
Roslyn Gunter
Sabrina Acosta
Salvatore Stokes
Sandy Burrah
Senja Seafire
Shawna Salazar
Sigourney Neyle
Slenderness M. Patton
Stacey Crowder
Staci Connell
Tad Keliiholokai
Terrell Hays
Theobald Omauj
Tom Ueikp
Tybalt Bezonbar
Utopia Gillis
Vilma Hamm
Virgie Warner
Wallace Pagan
Weston Horne
Wilda Beaver
Zachery Chu
Zane Carpenter
Bucks County Writers Workshop