Brian Horton, Indian Rocks, FL (veteran listener) 2/24/06
Great site Don. Though I have not lived in Metro New York for almost 20 years, I can still hear the resonant voices of Palmer Payne, Bill Fahan, Harvey Hauptman; the soft overnight voice of the late Tom Franklin; the cheerful good mornings of Jim Donnelly, Lou Adler and "Big Ed" Ingles (as Donnelly called him). And I can still hear your voice signing off from "Book Beat." From the time Newsradio 88 came on the air, I was hooked... Boy, was I disappointed, when returning to NYC on business last summer to jump in my rental car; switch on the radio, and hear, "All-news 880." When I went to college (Richmond) in the early/mid 70's, my younger brother would periodically tape an hour or so of Newsradio 88 and send it to me. Kids must have thought, "boy this kid from Long Island is wacked." Thanks again, Brian, Indian Rocks Beach, FL