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John Korolow (Manhattan, listener) 9/3/07


I am a 48 year old New Yorker who has listened to Newsradio 88 since the early 1970s when my mom had it on in the kitchen every morning during our breakfast time. About 1971 or 72, my dad attended a convention in which CBS radio made available for small businesses a cassette tape called "The People Who Reach People". The tape consisted of a few minutes of vintage radio news events from the 1920s through the 1960s and then you heard the signature Newsradio 88 sound and the announcer said "and this is radio today" and he made a sales pitch for about 15 minutes of why one should advertise on Newsradio 88. I played that tape so many times as a kid because I loved the clarity of the announcer's voice, his perfect diction. It made me want to pursue a career in radio announcing but alas I stayed in our family business.

I may still have that tape in my collection of cassettes in a box on the shelf of the bedroom ccloset (when CDs arrived in the 1980s I began to store my old cassettes in a box in the event that someday in the future I might like to play them). If I come across the tape, I will dub it and be glad to send it to you.

Thank you so much for over 36 years of (my) listening pleasure to the most professional and efficient news team on radio - Newsradio 88. I am still a breakfast listener after all these years.

John Korolow

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