WCBS-FM Jingles: Jock Cuts -- Gold Evolution -- PAMS First Oldies package (3:13) LISTEN
- WCBS-FM JINGLES. Consists of several jingle packages in the 1980s and 90s with intros to various FM disc jockeys. Instrumentals and vocals. This is a large file so please give it time to open. John Landers supplied this archive. Excellent quality. [a shorter version of WCBS-FM signature sounds below] LISTEN. [runs 20:56]
- WCBS-FM ALERTS AND SOUNDERS. Includes sounders for bulletins and special broadcasts for the FM oldies music station. LISTEN. [runs 2:50]
- WCBS-FM PAMS Top of the Hour Drum Roll. Debuted during its 1979 Memorial Day Top 500 Countdown Weekend. Used on the hour followed by a Top 500 CBS-FM jingle. LISTEN. [runs :09]
- WINS COMPLETE JINGLE PACKAGE.1010-WINS and WCBS Radio were once arch competitors. Who would have thought little Westinghouse would one day buy CBS? After a labyrinthian process of corporate maneuvering involving Viacom and Infinity the company currently calls itself CBS Corp (but it's not the CBS of founder William Paley). Now, WINS and WCBS are not only owned by the same company but have the same general manager. All the CBS-owned stations in New York have been moved to a combined facility at 345 Hudson Street. This package of WINS jingles from John Landers dates to the 70s and 80s. LISTEN. [runs 10:22]
- WINS SOUNDER. Complete with no voice-over. LISTEN. [runs :33]
- ORIGIN OF WINS. Pioneer all-news broadcaster. How it all began. Excellent YouTube documentary WATCH. [runs 5:00]
- STEVE KARMEN WCBS JINGLES. In the 1970s, legendary ad man and composer (I Love New York) Karmen created a package of "News-Is" jingles for WCBS. Here's the complete set with all instrumentals and vocals. We're indebted to radio buff John Landers for sharing this rare archive [dubbed from the master reel provided by the late Newsradio 88 News Director Rob Sunde]. LISTEN. [runs 8:28]
- STEVE KARMEN WCBS JINGLES -- PERONALIZED. Using the Steve Karmen music beds -- above -- WCBS in the 70s was able to personalize the "News-Is" jingles with the names of its anchors and reporters. True WCBS buffs will recognize references to such air people as Adler, Donnelly, Gross, Hauptman, Farnsworth, Parson, Fahan, Howard, Reed, Flanders, Irving, Sunde, Ross, and many more. Late CBS technician Maurice St. Cyr compiled this sensational package for prodigious radio collector John Landers. LISTEN. [runs 15:40] PRICELESS: YOU'LL NEVER HEAR ANYTHING LIKE THIS ANYWHERE -- MUSIC ON ITS OWN!
From Barry Siegfried, retired WCBS Technical Supervisor: "Where the Steve Karmen personalized jingles are indicated, I would like for you to mention that Rica Rinzler produced and Barry Siegfried engineered every single one of those personalizations, including tacking on the news sounders at the ends of them. That was quite a lot of production we did for those and I am quite proud that 100% of it reflects my work."
- WCBS ALERTS AND SOUNDERS. Includes sounders for traffic, business, and bulletins from the '70s, as well as various CBS network production pieces. Hear an unintentionally hilarious station evacuation notice (never used) voiced by Jim Donnelly. (What were they thinking of, such right-wing hysteria, never actualized in any way. Laughable now.) Provided by John Landers of Brooklyn. LISTEN. [runs 2:09]
- WCBS RADIO NEWS THEME 2004. Dramatic and listenable. LISTEN. Substantial yet gorgeous! Who but CBS could afford it?
- Todd Glickman (WCBS Meterologist) 7/13/07. When the "News is..." package was on-air, I would record all the versions I could. One day I sat down and pieced them all together, and with a Gillette razor blade and Scotch splicing tape, did my own mix! Best, Todd, Certified Broadcast Meteorolgist, WCBS Newsradio-880, New York City, NY. Glickman News Is...
- MORE THAN JUST THE HEADLINES... Super Axcess Group WCBS News jingle with music bed. Listen: HERE (:49)
- COMPLETE PACKAGE -- MORE THAN JUST THE HEADLINES. Designed by the Axcess Group of Dallas, these "More Than Just the Headlines" jingles debuted on WCBS in the mid-90s. There are twenty-one cuts in this assortment. Audio courtesy of David Briggman, who for good measure has thrown in similar jingle packages for sister CBS stations KNX, Los Angeles, and WWJ, Detroit.
(13:36) WCBS Jingle Package
(14:12) KNX Jingle Package
(14:11) WWJ Jingle Package
- WCBS AXCESS JINGLE PACKAGE WITHOUT THE ANNOUNCER VOICING THE TRACK NUMBERS. This sounds nearly symphonic and almost stands alone as music. This presentation was put together by former New Yorker and WCBS fan Tony More. LISTEN. (Runs 13:10)
- NO WAY -- MORE THAN JUST THE HEADLINES. Don Swaim happened to be listening to the brilliant Kander and Ebbs score for Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985), when he recalled the WCBS jingle (1990s): "More than Just the Headlines," which was so similar he was sure it was stolen from Kander and Ebbs by the broadcast jingle mill Axcess Group of Dallas. Decide for yourself in this side-by-side comparison: Kander & Ebb ripoff
The Axcess Group may have lifted "More Than Just the Headlines" from Kander and Ebbs, but it's still great stuff.
- WCBS-FM SIGNATURE SOUNDS. Jingles created for sister station WCBS-FM. Audio courtesy of David Saviet. (2:09) WCBS-FM, 101, Signature Sounds
- WCBS SIGNATURE SOUNDS. Newsradio88 aficionados will love this: a collection of the sounds created by Eric Siday dating to the 70s that led into newscasts and features heard on the air. Audio courtesy of Bill DeFelice. Narrated by Don Swaim. (2:48) WCBS Signature Sounds
- JINGLE -- ALAN BURNS VOICE. - WCBS News jingle. Used immediately before the hourly headlines. Voiced by Allan Burns. Don Swaim, anchor. 1981. (:52).
WCBS News Jingle 1981.
- NEWSRADIO88 SIGNS ON. WCBS-AM Newsradio88 debuts inauspiciously on its little-heard FM Station on August 28, 1967, because a small plane demolished the transmitter tower on High Island in a fatal crash, knocking the AM station off the air. Interestingly, the debut begins with a staff announcer reading the WCBS-FM sign-on, followed by the "Star Spangled Banner." Then, anchorman Steve Porter reads an account of the air crash. Pat Summerall delivers the sports, Gordon Barnes the weather. The rather ponderous presentation includes few if any commercials, and virtually no news audio. Charles Osgood takes over from Steve Porter at 6:00 A.M. The producer of the broadcast was Mike Ludlum, the editor was Al Wasser. Audio courtesy of Bill Tynan, Manager of On-Air Promotion, WCBS. 8/28/67 (46:29). WCBS Newsradio88, Part 1 8/28/67 (46:21). WCBS Newsradio88, Part 2
- CHARLES OSGOOD REFLECTS 1992. - Charles Osgood reflects on 25 years at CBS and the early days at Newsradio88. 6/8/92. With Jim Donnelly, Brigitte Quinn. Audio courtesy of Bob Gibson. (4:05).
Charles Osgood.
- WCBS 40th ANNIVERSARY AUDIO 8/29/07. Audio posted on the official Newsradio88 40th Anniversary webpage:
WCBS coverage of the hijacked planes crashing into the World Trade Center. Tom Kaminski in Chopper 880. Anchors Jeff Caplan and Pat Carroll. 9/11/01. Also uses Channel 2 audio. 8:48 AM. (29:23) WCBS 9/11
WCBS coverage of the Son of Sam serial killer, New York, 1977. (6:14) Son of Sam
WCBS coverage of the blackout of July 13, 1977. (7:17) 1977 Blackout
WCBS coverage of Beatle John Lennon's murder, 12/8/80 (8:05) John Lennon Murder
- Part 1 - 30th ANNIVERSARY BROADCAST WCBS's LET'S FIND OUT -- 8/3/97. Hosted by Rich Lamb, this special broadcast looks back at 30 years of Newsradio88. With Charles Osgood, Lou Adler, Art Athens. First of two broadcasts. Audio courtesy of Bill Tynan (30:00) 30th Anniversary B'cast 8/3/97 - Part 1
- Part 2 - 30th ANNIVERSARY BROADCAST WCBS's LET'S FIND OUT -- 8/10/97. Hosted by Rich Lamb, this special broadcast looks back at 30 years of Newsradio88. With Jim Donnelly, Harvey Hauptman, Rita Sands, Gary Maurer, Ben Farnsworth, Bill Fahan, Neil Busch. Second of two broadcasts. Audio courtesy of Bill Tynan (30:00) 30th Anniversary B'cast 8/10/97 - Part 2
- BLACKOUT OF '77. The 30th anniversary of the Blackout of 1977 was noted on July 13, 2007. Swaim was one of the many reporters covering the blackout for WCBS -- and two years after the event he recorded this anniversary recollection for Newsradio88: Swaim 1977 Blackout
- WCBS RADIO'S 30th ANNIVERSARY COVERAGE Aug. 28, 1997. Anchors Harley Carnes and Deborah Rodriguez and reporter Rich Lamb interview reporter/anchor Gary Maurer on the station's thirtieth anniversary. Audio courtesy John Yanagi. (3:42) WCBS 30th Anniversary
- ART ATHENS TRIPLE WHAMMY. On the WCBS broadcast Let's Find Out, Art Athens interviews retiring CBS News legend Douglas Edwards (1917-1990), who preceded Walter Cronkite as the first anchor of the CBS Evening News on televsion. In addition, Mike Wallace reflects on his days with Edwards at WXYZ in Detroit. Lots of archival audio in this broadcast. (Note: there's an excellent web site dedicated to Douglas Edwards. Go to: St. Bonaventure University Audio courtesy of Bob Gibson. 3/27/88 (29:30). Art Athens Interviews Douglas Edwards
- LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE EVER HEARD BEFORE. Sixty-second WCBS promo voiced by Jim Harriott, August 1967. Promotes station's two choppers, two mobile units, etc. Audio courtesy of Bill Tynan. (:60) 1967 Promo
- MISTER SHIRER GIVES A TALK. Edward R. Murrow's first hire as war clouds formed in the Europe of the 1930s was the young one-eyed wire reporter William L. Shirer, whose book Berlin Diary, remains a definitive account of those events. In those formative years Murrow and Shirer weren't allowed to go on the air themselves, but arranged for newspaper reporters to broadcast "talks." Go to Shirer Obit, Newsday, 12/30/93. Don Swaim's interview with Shirer on his early days with Murrow was heard as a special report on WCBS Radio on 7/7/84 (22:30). Mister Shirer Gives a Talk
- DAVID SCHOENBRUN. The renown CBS News Correspondent launched his career with CBS in 1939 as a part-time translator of foreign broadcasts. He tells about his relationship with Edward R. Murrow [three shots of Scotch and no script] during WW II and how Shoenbrun became the CBS News Paris Bureau Chief in 1947. In this 40-minute interview with Don Swaim in 1987, Shoenbrun also tells about his battles with the right-wing witch-hunters of his day, and, almost as bad, the CBS News bureaucracy. In RealAudio courtesy of Ohio University. David Shoenbraun's America Inside Out
- JOHN HENRY FAULK. - Texas humorist John Henry Faulk, a popular performer on WCBS Radio, was falsely accused of being a communist and blacklisted during the witchhunts of the 1950s. Here's a clipping from Bob Gibson's voluminous scrapbook, a Variety piece in 1962 about Faulk's going to WINS after his abandonment by CBS. Go to: Variety. Faulk, later a mainstay on TV's Hee-Haw, discusses with Don Swaim his ordeal at WCBS and the bizarre result of his libel suit against his accusers. 7/18/83 (4:01) Go to: John Henry Faulk. Hear the complete interview with Faulk at Wired for Books.
- WAYNE CABOT. - First a teenage obsession -- and then a career. Wayne Cabot, now an anchor at WCBS, has had a love affair with his adored radio station since adolescence. Here's an unforgettable tribute to WCBS, filled with the voices that helped to make Newsradio great over the years. 12/7/05 (18:39). Wayne Cabot Remembers
- LOU DORFSMAN. - For years Lou Dorfsman was head of graphic design at CBS. He created everything from the CBS logo to company stationery to posters to ads to TV sets -- even the interior design of Black Rock. Here's a two-part report Don Swaim did on Dorfsman on 12/14/87. (3:32). Lou Dorfsman
- KNX FAREWELL. - WCBS's sister station in Los Angeles, KNX, has left its historic studios on Sunset Boulevard. Here's a super audio history of both KNX and CBS Radio in Hollywood -- with Michael Linder of KNX. 8/12/05 (60:00) Farewell to Columbia Square
- AIRWAYS OF NEW YORK - For radio buffs a fascinating nearly thirty-minute broadcast with Bill Jaker, Frank Sulek, and Peter Kanze, authors of the book The Airwaves of New York, a history of New York radio. Broadcast on WNYC-AM with host Leonard Lopate. Worth downloading to your iPod. 11/20/98 (29:26). NOTE length. Airwaves of New York.
- 9/11 COVERAGE: THE WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK. Ten hours of live coverage on WCBS submitted by Rob Hoffmann.
Nine-Eleven Part I -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 2 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 3 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 4 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 5 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 6 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 7 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 8 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 9 -- September 11, 2001
Nine-Eleven Part 10 -- September 11, 2001
- LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE EVER HEARD BEFORE. Sixty-second WCBS promo voiced by Jim Harriott, August 1967. Promotes station's two choppers, two mobile units, etc. Audio courtesy of Bill Tynan. (:60) 1967 Promo
- FIERCE STORM STRIKES NYC: WCBS COVERAGE. Listener Greg Jobeless sent this aircheck of Newsradio 88's afternoon drive coverage of the tornadoes that killed one person, felled hundreds of trees, and caused widespread damage on September 16, 2010. LISTEN. [runs 6:26]
- CHALLENGER SPACE SHUTTLE DISASTER, JAN 28, 1986. CBS Radio News broadcasts with Christopher Glenn's initial reports on the disaster, followed by continuous coverage from 11:59 AM to 2:43 PM. A who's who of CBS voices, local and net, covering the deaths of seven astronauts in space: Harvery Hauptman, Rita Sands, Ben Farnsworth, Douglas Edwards, Christopher Glenn, Doug Poling, Fred Fishkin, Fran Schneidau, Ellen Mitchell, Walt Wheeler, Judy Mueller, Ike Pappas, Chris Kelly, Dick Reeves, Mitchell Krauss, Tom Fenton, Dan Raviv, David Martin, Richard Roth, Gary Schuster. Audio courtesy of Tom McKeever.
Challenger Part I 1/28/86 (31:09)
Challenger Part 2 1/28/86 (38:33)
Challenger Part 3 1/28/86 (1:19:28)
Challenger Part 4 1/28/86 (57:38)
- DOUGLAS EDWARDS: FINAL "CBS WORLD NEWS TONIGHT" BROADCAST. 6:00 PM, April 1, 1988. WCBS Anchors Tom Franklin (later a tragic suicide) and Rita Sands handled the local lead-in to this historic broadcast of the "World News Tonight," anchored by Douglas Edwards (1917-1990). Edwards was the first CBS News TV anchor until deposed by Walter Cronkite in 1962. On this broadcast you'll hear Joseph Dembo, first VP/GM of WCBS, as well as a tribute by Dan Rather. Tom Carlson was the broadcast's director, Keith Parke handled tape, and David Saviet ran the board. Thanks to David Saviet for contributing the audio and having the sense to save it in the first place. (15:58) Douglas Edwards: Final Broadcast
- NYC POWER OUTAGE, FEB. 6, 1971. Long time Newsradio 88 fans will recognize the voices of George Reading, John Lynker, Palmer Payne, Jack Welby, Allegra Branson, and meterologist Gordon Barnes. On part 3, Bob Scheiffer anchors a network hourly along with Robert Shackney. Then an excerpt of the WCBS public affairs broadcast Let's Find Out with Dick Reeves and Steve Flanders. Audio courtesy of Charles Sanzone.
Backout Part I 2/6/71 (33:43)
Backout Part 2 2/6/71 (53:23)
Backout Part 3
2/6/71 (34:49)
- HUGE NORTHEAST POWER OUTAGE, AUG. 14, 2003. The blackout hit Canada and the northeast U.S., said to have been the largest power failure in North American history. WCBS staffers include Tony Guida, Pat Carroll, Marla Diamond, Irene Cornell, Tom Kaminsky, Mike Xirinachs, Ginny Kosola, Ed Crane. Audio courtesy John Yanagi. (:80) Great Northeast Power Outage
- WCBS MONTAGE 1980. Wayne Cabot recorded this montage from his home radio as the new year of 1980 was ushered in by Rich Lamb in Times Square. Veteran listeners will recognize the voices of Robert Vaughn, Walt Wheeler, Ben Farnsworth, Pat Parson, David Jackson, Reid Collins, Norm McDonald, Gil Gross, John Connolly, Bill Fahan, Ralph Howard, Art Athens, Neil Busch, Jane Tillman Irving, Harvey Hauptman, and more. (11:00) WCBS Montage 1980
- ART ATHENS -- 88 LOOKS AT '78. As a teen (when other teens were doing what they do), Wayne Cabot recorded this broadcast from his bedside radio in New Jersey: Art's year-end documentary on the events of 1978. Quality not so hot, but a great sociological document, weighted locally. (45:40) 88 Looks At 78
- ART ATHENS -- 88 LOOKS AT '79. Still a kid, Wayne Cabot again recorded this broadcast from his bedside radio in New Jersey. Art's year-end documentary on the events of 1979. Quality not the best, but, hey, it was a bedside radio in 1979 -- and New Jersey reception! (47.41) 88 Looks At 79
- JACK STERLING. A clip of Sterling's show from 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM on his tenth anniversary at WCBS, 1958. Quality very good. Commercials are intact. Announcer Hal Simms reads the news (another Cuban airline hijacking). Audio courtesy of Ken Lamb, ABC. 11/6/58 (40:00). Jack Sterling Tenth Anniversary
- JACK STERLING PARTY. Audio not intended for air of a party thrown for Jack Sterling on his tenth anniversary at WCBS. Quality very good. Jim Lowe is the MC. Features Lanny Ross, Martha Wright, Sam Slate (GM), and others. Audio courtesy of Ken Lamb. 11/6/58 (10:00). Jack Sterling Tenth Anniversary Party & Roast
- CLASSIC OPENING. - Jim Donnelly, Robert Vaughn with the morning headlines. Voices of Ken Prewitt, Walt Wheeler, Rich Lamb (some may consider this showbiz, but it's an example of the on-air style that made Newsradio 88 the class act of its day -- and it did it around the clock). January 26, 1982 (1:20).
Jim Donnelly, Robert Vaughn.
- STEVE FLANDERS, NBC. - Before Steve Flanders became Newsradio88's long-time political reporter, he worked at NBC News. Here's a snippet of "Stephen" reading the morning network news, 1962 (:24).
Steve Flanders, NBC News
- MORGAN BEATTY. - Morgan Beatty was a fixture at NBC. Here he is with a localized lead-in to Don Swaim, WORK, York, PA, 1963 (:12).
Morgan Beatty, NBC News
- BILL RYAN. - NBC's Bill Ryan with a localized lead-in to Don Swaim, WORK, York, PA, 1963 (:13).
Bill Ryan, NBC News
 | A bank robber staged a heist in Brooklyn on August 22, 1972, to raise money for a sex-change operation for his "wife," another gay man. The stickup went bad, and the bandit, John Wojtowicz and an accomplice, were trapped by police inside the bank with seven hostages. The sensational robbery was the basis for the film Dog Day Afternoon with Al Pacino. WCBS Radio's David Levin phoned the bank during the standoff and got this exclusive interview with the robber. LISTEN [runs 3:27].
By David Levin: It was a long day's morning, Tuesday, August 22, 1972. I'd been on the early morning shift, writing the 6a and 8a drive time hours, then switching to tape ops in Studio F. The WCBS offices then were on the 16th floor of Black Rock, 51 W. 52 St.
The late Ted Feurey was the producer and he insisted that I work an extra hour's overtime, which isn't that objectionable, since I was there already. But then, while I was packing up, he asked for another hour and then, though I really howled, he asked for a third hour's overtime.
That's when the call came in on the police ticker, which has been superseded by the computer.
Studio F was the size of a small bathroom and was packed with gear from which emanated virtually all the sound heard on Newsradio 88, as the station then promoted itself. All the telephone interviews, reporters' reports, weather reports and so forth were either taped or relayed live from F.
So I fished out the phone book and called the bank branch. The woman who answered the phone confirmed that a holdup was in progress. I asked her to ask the robber if he'd talk to me.
She did and he did.
- FOCUS ON WCBS METEROLOGIST GORDON BARNES. Listener Ken Tenore of New Rochelle, NY, is both a Newsradio 88 fan and a weather buff. On February 12, 1975 [see below], he taped portions of WCBS during a snowstorm, the audio of which is a good indication how how the station sounded then. Long-time listeners will recognize the voices of not only Gordon Barnes but Gary Maurer, Rita Sands, Jerry Nachman, Harvey Hauptman, Pat Parson, and Ben Farnsworth. At the end you'll hear Ben hilariously misidentify himself as Pat! LISTEN. [runs 19:10]
By Joe Rao: Great Website! Great Memories!
Just one correction... for your newest aircheck highlighting a February 1975 snowstorm, the date on your Appreciation Page should be changed to read February 12, 1975. Gordon Barnes speaks of the similarity of the weather map to the "Lindsay Storm" of February 9, 1969, which is where the confusion of dates likely occurs. However, this particular storm (which I personally remember very well) took place on February 12, 1975 -- which was a holiday in of itself -- because in those days, Lincoln's Birthday was a "stand-alone" holiday, not as it is now; having been merged with Washington's Birthday into what we call "Presidents' Day." If you listen you will hear more than a few references to this 1975 snowstorm occurring " ... on the holiday." This was the also most debilitating snowfall in the Tri-State area since February 19, 1972.
- ED INGLES ON GEORGE STEINBRENNER.The retired WCBS Sports Director spoke to WCBS afternoon anchor Wayne Cabot on the occasion of the death of the former New York Yankees owner. 7/13/10. LISTEN. [runs 4:47]
- JOE DURSO, JR's REPORT TO CONSUMERS. On 2/28/10, Robert T. Resnick sent us an interesting aircheck dating to the late 70s. It's a consumer report by the late Joe Durso, Jr., who later headed the CBS Radio Stations News Service. What's interesting is that Joe's subject is those amazing, new-fangled [and expensive!] video tape recorders, so quaint now. Anchor on this aircheck is Ralph Howard. LISTEN.
- PAT PARSON, BEN FARNSWORTH... BANTER. With dual egos the size of the Russian army, these two talented prima donnas never got along, afternoon drive or otherwise. Meanwhile, Steve Okonski grew up in New York City in the 1970s with dreams of becoming a news or weather announcer. While that didn't happen, Steve remains a fan of Newsradio 88, and captured on tape (the late) Parson and Farnsworth bantering on the air during a heat wave on July 21, 1977. Note Ben's not so subtle on-air dig. To listen click: HERE. [runs 1:09]
Minor historical note. Farnsworth left CBS for a job at WNBC-TV that ultimately did not work out; Parson was demoted to the night shift at WCBS. Proving that no one was or is indispensable, especially in local radio.
- HAL SIMMS READS THE NEWS. Eight-thirty AM, Nov. 6, 1958. CBS staff announcer Hal Simms reads the news during WCBS Radio's AM drive "Jack Sterling Show." It was still in the hey-day of the staff announcer when voice was all -- and Hal had the voice. (3:40) Go to: Hal Simms
WCBS Reporter Tony Brunton, who died on September 14, 2008, covered the sensational Alice Crimmins murder trial of 1968. In this audio piece, Brunton (who later headed special events coverage for CBS News, Radio) attempts to file a report on one of the sordid aspects of the trial. Here, he is rebuffed by the late Mark Monsky (later news director of WNBC-TV and WNEW-TV). Go to: Brunton-Crimmins [Thanks to David Saviet of CBS for salvaging the audio.]
- RADIO DREAMS. Career retropective by Don Swaim, starting with college radio through a thirty-year stint at WCBS. Many period radio promos and commercials, and a number of Newsradio88 airchecks, reporting and anchor. (17:11) Radio Dreams
- DAVE MARASH, MUNICH SUMMER OLYMPICS MASSACRE. For WCBS Staff Reporter Dave Marash, covering the 1972 Summer Olympics for CBS Radio News was a choice assignment. Little did he know it would turn out to be one of the major news stories of his career. On September 5, 1972, terrorists murdered eleven Israeli athletes. Here is some of Dave's coverage on the 'net. Also on the audio is Mitchell Krauss and Bruno Wasserteil, CBS News stringer in Tel Aviv. (NOTE: after a sixteen year stint at ABC's Nightline, Dave Marash now works for the Al Jazeera cable channel in Washington.] Audio courtesy Mike Ludlum. (21:24) Dave Marash Munich
- MARY GAY TAYLOR MEMORIAL, Nov 29, 2006. The service was held at New York City Hall, and presented here in two parts, with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn as the host. A highlight of Part 1 is a touching, near tearful, tribute by WCBS Reporter Rich Lamb. On Part 2 WCBS Reporter Irene Cornell relays a number of hilarious anecdotes about Mary Gay -- as well as a revealing appreciation by the doctor who treated Mary Gay for her fatal breast cancer. Audio courtesy WCBS Newsradio88.
Mary Gay Taylor Memorial Part 1 11/29/06 (31:56)
Mary Gay Taylor Memorial Part 2 11/29/06 (13:31)
- MARY GAY TAYLOR. Veteran WCBS reporter Mary Gay Taylor died in Vermont on 10/21/06. This audio montage comes from sound posted on the current Newsradio88 website. Audio includes appreciations by Rich Lamb, Irene Cornell, former NYC mayors Koch, Guiliani, and Dinkins, and former Giuliani news secretary Sunny Mindel. (16:52) Mary Gay Taylor Montage
- ANCHOR JEFF CAPLAN'S LAST DAY AT WCBS, April 21, 2006. Jeff Caplan says farewell after ten years on the air. With co-anchor Pat Carroll. Audio courtesy John Yanagi. (3:46) Jeff Caplan's Last Day
- DAVE ATHERTON. Dave's beautiful voice, never utilized by CBS, is featured in this sensational audio piece. Dave, long time WCBS newswriter, voices an Edgar Allan Poe montage for Newsradio 88's Book Beat in 1992. Here's Atherton's haunting rendition in full. (3:18) Dave Atherton-Poe
- ART ATHENS -- WAYNE CABOT'S TRIBUTE. On the occasion of Art's retirement in 1995. (3:47) Cabot Athens Tribute
- GARY MAURER AFTER 36 YEARS. - WCBS Reporter and anchor Gary Maurer had his ups and downs at WCBS -- but when he left after thirty-six years he left high. Here's an interview with Gary by Wayne Cabot and Debbie Rodriguez on 6/4/05, which I took from the regulation 880 site -- and thanks that they're still doing something like this. Gary Maurer After 36 Years.
-BEN FARNSWORTH INTERVIEW. - Ben Farnsworth interviewed in 1978 by Martin Hardee and used with Martin's permission. Note: opens with a one-minute snippet of morning drive with Jim Donnelly and Lou Adler, 1978. (7:23).
Ben Farnsworth.
- BOB GIBSON NEWS MONTAGE -- A demo of some of Gibson's work for many broadcast entities, including the major radio networks. It's Bob's demo package, which includes net promos, commercials, industrial narrations, etc. (2:38). LISTEN.
- DON SWAIM - BOOK BEAT CENSORSHIP -- five-part WCBS series, 1984. LISTEN.
- NEWSRADIO 88's ABSOLETE WORST COMMERCIALS. Tiffany Network? Not with this awful commercial crap: Carvel Ice Cream and Gramercy Park Clothes commercials during the early, needy days of Newsradio 88. Here are two back-to-back Carvel and Gramercy spots in a 1977 aircheck of Don Swaim's (his being a decent account about an incredible coldwave of the year). Listen. Laugh. Weep. CBS? Tiffany? LISTEN. [runs 4:29]
- WCBS BLOOPERS. A series of on-air mishaps involving WCBS air people, as well as such luminaries as Pat Summerall, Lowell Thomas, and Arthur Godfrey. Audio courtesy of David Saviett. (8:33) WCBS Bloopers
- CHARLES OSGOOD GIDDY AT KIDS' RECIPES. Charlie breaks up on the air reading recipes from kids -- as anchorman Steve Porter tries unsuccessfully to rescue him. 1968. Audio courtesy Mike Ludlum. (3:03) Osgood Recipes
- ARTHUR GODFREY LEAD IN. - Here's a classic from Newsradio 88: a blown intro to a report by Jim McCarthy (WCBS's first Washington correspondent), to a update on the health of mob boss Joe Colombo, to a Carvel Ice Cream commerical (announced by raspy-voiced Tom Carvel himself), to Don Swaim's pompous lead-in to the Arthur Godfrey show at 1:30 PM. 3/19/72. (3:33). Arthur Godfrey lead-in 1972.
- TONY RANDALL, HARLEY CARNES. - Actor Tony Randall (The Odd Couple) sings a famous New York City radio commercial for the St. George Hotel in an interview with WCBS anchorman Harley Carnes. 12/12/95. (1:18). Tony Randall, Harley Carnes.
- "MUSIC RADIO 88." - WCBS-FM deejays Ron Lundy and Cousin Brucie announce the creation of "Music Radio 88." Parody. (no date) (1:06). Music Radio 88.
- PAT AND BEN SATIRE. - Afternoon anchors "Pat Parson and Ben Farnsworth." Parody. From Barry Siegfried: "In 1977, I had a friend who worked at WLYQ-FM in Connecticut. In November, 1977, Alan Ryan (who I believe was the production person at WLYQ-FM) wrote and recorded the Pat and Ben spoof (he did all of the voices). He gave a copy of it to my friend and my friend it passed it along to me." (1:56). Pat and Ben.
- FUGAZI BLOWS IT. - WCBS Anchorman Bob Gibson throws it to a badly unprepared traffic reporter. Note: WCBS management at the time worked out an ill-conceived trade deal with Fugazi Limousine Service to have its drivers phone in traffic reports as the limousines cruised the city. The Fugazi reports were unreliable, often out of date, sometimes wrong, generally unprofessional -- and eventually replaced by Shadow Traffic. (1987) (:37). Bob Gibson Traffic Switch.
- CORNELL, LOTS OF LAUGHS. - WCBS Reporter Irene Cornell, talking to Don Swaim, attempts to file a story from the Board of Education -- with hilarious results, 9/26/90 (2:15).
Irene Cornell Files.
WCBS Reporter Tony Brunton, who died on September 14, 2008, covered the sensational Alice Crimmins murder trial of 1968. In this audio piece, Brunton (who later headed special events coverage for CBS News, Radio) attempts to file a report on one of the sordid aspects of the trial. Here, he is rebuffed by the late Mark Monsky (later news director of WNBC-TV and WNEW-TV). Go to: Brunton-Crimmins [Thanks to David Saviet of CBS for salvaging the audio.]
- FAREWELL, DAN RATHER. Clever, opinionated, rap-oriented farewell to Dan Rather by Brooke Gladstone of National Public Radio. Broadcast on "On the Media," June 25, 2006. Not exactly a tribute, but amusing as hell. (5:50) Dan Rather Departs
TRACY GRAMMER is a singer, friend, and fellow writer of mine who performs with her singing partner Jim Henry. I like their music so much I decided to post it. Here they perform in a live concert on Zoom
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