A potpourri of short fiction running the gamut of human experience: horror, deception, greed, love, kindness, and irony. The book includes satire, sci-fi, adventure, supernatural, and war stories. Written in irreverent style, without regard to contemporary convention, its offbeat characters will make you laugh, cry, wonder, and perhaps stamp your feet in anger.
What if you found yourself in a time warp, facing the imminent doom of a historic event? The king of reality show producers finds creation of a social experiment with redeeming value is fraught with horror. An unusual insurance scam turns deadly. In the wake of a violent crime, a detective adopts a bear. A scientist breaches the space/time continuum. Two men experience the ecstasy and terror of a succubus. A fortune hunter lives a hundred year old legend in search of riches. Government operatives eavesdrop on unsuspecting targets with hilarious results. A hapless Pakistani exploits the peculiarities of his adopted culture to seek fame and fortune. A group of old ladies engages in a bizarre ritual. During the gold rush of 1849, a greenhorn prospector is caught in a deadly love triangle. Two soldiers face their moment of truth in war-torn Europe. A young man discovers the price he must pay to become a superstar. These and more curious tales await your perusal in The Attic Trunk.
Jules C. Winistorfer is a former Mechanical Engineer. A native Philadelphian, he is a graduate of Central High School and attended Drexel University. He is an active member of the prominent Bucks County Writers Workshop. Shades of Bale, his first novel, was published in 2000. His most recent work, The Attic Trunk, A Collection of Curious Tales, was published in 2005.
Jules lives in Bensalem, Pennsylvania and is currently writing short stories and working on his second novel.
Books ordered directly from the author are normally available for immediate delivery. Upon request, each book will be autographed to the recipient.
Jules C. Winistorfer
3341 Kent Rd.
Bensalem, PA., 19020
Phone 215-639-1407
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