Long-time WCBS meterologist Todd Glickman -- a pack rat -- rummaged through his attic and found that he had saved everything he had acquired with a WCBS Newsradio88 label or logo. Here are photos of all his swag, rapidly increasing in value. Todd didn't know it but he was holding broadcast history in the making.
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 call letters block for mic
 call letters block for mic
 WCBS mic
 tiny billboard
 three-ring binder with CBS news standards
 back pack
 staff ID
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 traffic label
 bullish on business ad
 zipper jacket
 black jacket
 jean jacket
 wool jacket
 sports jacket
 red jacket
 shirt (well worn)
 station letterhead
 station memorandum
 plexiglass clock
Earlier,Todd found lots of Newsradio 88 photos dating to the 1980s. The newsroom was then on the 16th floor of Black Rock, 51 W. 52nd St.
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 main anchor studio
 master control
 production and air studio
 Gary Maurer
 Gary Maurer, Jim Morris, Todd Glickman, Allegra Branson
 Technician Dwight Taylor
 Todd Glickman, John Wydra
 Technician Leo Brown
 Gil Gross
 Technician Geporge Seelinger
 Newsradio 88 chopper
 Newsradio 88 chopper
 Pilot Neil Busch
 Todd's view from the chopper
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