Oct. 20, 2012 Amarone Ristorante, Teaneck, NJ |
Appreciation to Rhoda Aronson, Ray Hoffman, John Landers, Elizabeth Hainstock, and Bob Gibson for supplying the many photos. Too many to post, and I apologize if I missed anyone, but a representive sampling is posted below.
The semi-annual CBS "Board" met in Teaneck to swap war stories, eliminate the national debt, and deal with the crisis in Syria. Highlights: Sportscaster Spencer Ross's hilarious reminisce, so funny it's obvious Spencer missed his calling in the Borscht Belt. And Charles Osgood reading a long-ago script about his start at Newsradio88. Melissa Ludlum, wife of former WCBS News Director Mike Ludlum, hosted the luncheon.
For the GUEST LIST and Other Silly Stuff, click HERE

Original Osgood File script 6/8/91 -- click to enlarge
Recently, business reporter Ray Hoffman happened upon a script [left] Charles Osgood wrote for his "Osgood File" CBS broadcast in 1991. It was about Osgood's twenty-fifth anniversary at CBS and how he began anchoring morning drive for Newsradio 88. At the Oct. 20, 2012, CBS "Board" meeting, Osgood was on hand to re-read his old script before a legion of his fellow "Board" members, and Ray made this video of it.
click to play
NOTE: Bob Gibson says Osgood got the date wrong, that his essay on his twenty-five years at CBS was actually delivered on June 8, 1992. Bob has a cassette recording of the broadcast to prove it:
click on pictures to enlarge.
Mitch Lebe, Ray Hoffman, Roy Whitfield, Gary Press
Ray Hoffman, Melissa Ludlum, Charles Osgood, Melissa Kleiner-Cohen, Barry Siegfried, Michael Kahn
Andy Fisher, Bob Kimmel, Bob Gibson
David Levin, Spencer Ross, Don Swaim, Phil Cecchini, George Seelinger
John Landers, Charles Osgood
Michael Kahn, Jane Tillman Irving, George Flowers
Ed Silverman, Gary Press, Bob Kimmel
Ray Hoffman, Charles Osgood, Bob Gibson
Bob Kimmel, Bob Lape, Ed Silverman
Pete Bianco, Dave Atherton, Spencer Ross, David Levin
 This object is an ashtray discovered by Phil Cecchini (actually, he stole it), who claims that in the days when smoking seemed to be encouraged (by people who are now dead), CBS supplied color-coded ashtrays for each floor of Black Rock. The ashtray for the sixteenth floor, where Newsradio88 was located, was blue. For more about the ashtray and for Phil's essay, "When and Why CBS Was the Tiffany Network," go HERE

Merv Block, former WCBS newswriter

Merv's new book, Weighing Anchors
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