June 1, 2013 Amarone Ristorante, Teaneck, NJ |
A highly selective list of photos this time around. I had close to seventy-five photos to sift through, and I ran out of time. Sorry not to include everyone. Thanks to Elizabeth Hainstock, John Landers, Rhoda Aronson, Bob Gibson, and Ray Hoffman for sending the pictures. --Don S ORIGINAL GUEST LIST is posted HERE
click on pictures to enlarge
Andy Fisher sent this undated photo of the late (clean-shaven) WCBS anchor Jim Donnelly during his days at WNEW:
 Jim Donnelly

(l-r) Jerry Barmash (back turned) Merv Block (partially obscured), Pete Bianco, Don Swaim (partially obscured), Mitch Lebe, Dave Atherton
 (l-r) Charlie Kaye, Harvey Hauptman, Rita Sands
 (l-r) Walt Wheeler, Bob Lape, Ed Silverman, Rich Lamb, Barry Siegfried
 (l-r) Bob Leeder, Elizabeth Hainstock, Spencer Ross
 (l-r) Stephani Shelton, Merv Block, Lee Harris
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