by Jules C. Winistorfer
Is strange land, America. I am saddened by the thousands of deaths on September 11, 2001--but on the other hand, the infidel dogs get only what they deserve. And the anthrax attack, which follows is, how you say, "Icing to the cake." It is beyond my understanding why American people are so incensed at my Islamic brethren--everybody knows it is the Jews who blow up the World Trade Center.
About three years ago, not long after these celebrated events, I am completing my book, Rushdie Unmasked, by Akbar Mousaad--that's me. In it I am debunking the motherless pig's vile lies about Islam. I am proving false Salman Rushdie's many blasphemous references to the Prophet Muhammad and... enough of my book. If you want to know more you must buy book.
Not long ago, I find her standing in front of mirror, wearing red mini-skirt and high-heeled shoes. For a few moments, I am thinking I stumble into the brothel in Chinatown where I sometimes spend Thursday afternoons. As you might imagine, after my libido subsides, it behooves me to inflict considerable trauma on the unruly woman. The arrogant bitch is calling the police on me. Ah, American police, you cannot trust them; they are worse than used camel dealers... but enough, that is a story for another time. Forgive my digression.
I am not knowing the form which my revenge will take, but I become determined someone must pay dearly for this transgression. As they might say in America, "Don't fuck with Akbar Mousaad."
As I begin to ponder the possibilities, I am thinking if those sons of goat farmers get away with the shoddy business of refusing to open mail in the name of security, why not me? With a ten-dollar investment in a rubber stamp and a red ink pad I am thinking I can return my unwanted mail: utility bills, mortgage bill, donation requests, even tax bills--all unopened and more importantly all unpaid. Is it not unjust to ask a man to risk his life merely to pay money to capitalist thieves? I am thinking, is okay that Middle East Classics go unpunished for returning my query unopened--if I can make the other capitalist money dogs pay for the disrespect to which I am subjected.
I spot an advertisement, which takes my interest. "Get sick from rancid goat meat in the marketplace?" it says. "Your neighbor's camel stomp on your sandal and break your foot? Slip on mule turd and split your head in a friend's stable? Don't let these careless, negligent acts go unavenged. Call 'Tough' Abdul Ahmed, specializing in tort law and personal fatwas. No injury or affront too large or too small. Remember, a bulging purse is your greatest vengeance."
I am not knowing what kind of help Abdul is able to provide, but I like his style, and am dialing him up. It is quite by accident I discover he is a second cousin on my mother's side. Small world, eh?... but I digress; that is a story for another time.
"My dear cousin Akbar," he says, "You come to the right watering trough on this one. I am knowing I can deliver you from your oppressors. And I make you a rich man in the process."
Because I am ignorant in matters of the law, I am putting myself completely in Abdul's hands--but only after some questions. I query if he belongs to the New Jersey Bar. "No," he is saying, "but makes no difference; I do court in Jersey many times and nobody checks my credentials."
"Abdul, I am thinking it quite ridiculous for court to make Akbar's creditors pay him money."
"No, No, No, you do not understand," Abdul says, "you are the victim; these jackals inflict pain and suffering on you by harassment. It is a willful act, not accident like old lady who scalds herself with hot cup of coffee between her legs in a car--and she gets eight million bucks. Trust me, you will see. And, because you are my cousin, I will do the whole thing on a contingency basis, which means I get nothing until you get your settlement. ***
Before leaving, Abdul says, "Akbar, because of your ethnicity, under the hate crime laws, we can now go for criminal indictments against the infidel executives of these companies. All I need do is convince a district attorney of criminal intent of which there is plenty to go around. Think of the ecstasy putting the motherless pigs in prison will add to your already exquisite revenge."
"How much will the legal fees for this undertaking cost me, Abdul?" I am asking him.
"I am guessing about half a million."
"Abdul, I am intrinsically a gentle man. Inflicting physical discomfort is not my style. What useful purpose would it serve?"
"Your pleasure, Akbar, only your pleasure. As they are saying in America, 'It is yours to make the call.' Abdul's motto, 'A satisfied client is his most important product'."
Before I publish it, I am doing a major rewrite. It still exposes Salman Rushdie for the treasonous blasphemer I know him to be, but now it is telling mostly the story of my excellent ascent to wealth and power. It is available in major bookstores or at
I am almost forgetting. I change title of book. Is now Only in America.