Aspinwall High School Class of 1955
Hello to all -- The class of 1955 and all our alumni from other years...
UPDATE 8/28/10
Hi to All, This is just a friendly reminder that our AHS 55/55 Casual Dinner and Picnic will occur this coming Saturday, Sep 4 and Sunday, Sep 5. Dinner will be at Baja's on Saturday. Try to arrive around 5:30 to avoid cover charges that begin at 6:00. This is a casual affair where we will be ordering off the menu and will be individually billed to avoid confusion. Sunday the crowd generally starts to grow around 10:00 am. We are expecting around 22 classmates with an additional 15 that were unable to confirm their attendance. So it is possible that we could have a notable turnout from the class of 55/55. Please talk it up with any classmate you have contact with to further improve our attendance. I look forward to seeing each of you this coming Saturday and Sunday. If you need further information please call me at 248-321-2204.
UPDATE 5/10/10
Hi to All, The response to my first email yielded 19 Classmates with 13 of them are planning to attend. I'm hoping that this email will foster another 20 or 30 responses. I know you are receiving this, so please just bounce back your response -- even if you are not a 1955 graduate. Hope to hear from you soon.
Gene Consolo 5/4/10
Well, this is a rare year. Fifty-Five years for the AHS Class of 1955. That makes this a very special reunion and we would really like to celebrate it with a record turn-out for our class. I will be forwarding to you, following this email, Joe Lodge's email containing all the pertinent data regarding this AHS picnic.
Remember, I sent you an early warning regarding the date of September 5, 2010 (Sunday) as our scheduled Picnic for this year. The Class of 1955 will also be doing something the night before (Saturday, September 4). It is likely to be a dinner at a local fun place to get together. More on this in a subsequent email.
I would ask that each of you provide me a bounce back as to whether you plan to attend Saturday, Sunday or both. That helps to encourage our classmates to attend, when I provide updates of planned attendance. I will also be calling those that don't have email access. You can help be encouraging those classmates with whom you remain in contact.
That's it for now. I really do look forward to receiving your email and to seeing you in September. Gene ConsoloYou can contact me thru email:
2010 Original AHS Picnic Announcement
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2010 AHS Picnic Registration Form
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