Aspinwall High School Class of 1955


Arlene Reitz 12/6/05. Hi Don - Just checking in from Guatemala. I returned the middle of November. I checked out the web site and I think it is great. I will return when I have more time. We lose our electric over here a lot and today was one of those days.

I have lots of catching up in correspondence and in the work of the ministry since I was itinerating so long in the States this year. I usually only have about a month and half, but because of our 50th reunion I came home (my home in the States) earlier and stayed longer. I enjoyed myself tremendously at the reunion. It was so good to see everyone. I just wish I would have had more time. I don't know when I will be able to make another one, and it will be quite awhile before I can even return to the States. So I am going to appreciate your web page. I promise to check in as much as I can.

And I just want to add that I think our 50th reunion is going to be hard to top-it was just so well done. The Reunion Committee should receive a standing ovation. Yea Team!! I carried my book around with me everywhere I went, sharing the details and showing the photos. I brought it back with me to Guatemala to show my family and friends over here. As a missionary, any connection to home, family, and friends is of the utmost value. And the people over here are so interested in every detail of my life, simply because I am from the States, but I have chosen to live among them here in Guatemala. It fascinates them and grabs their heart at the same time. I will probably even show them the web site, though I will probably have to translate the words for them. They will love it. So thanks a lot. I respect and appreciate your talents. I am sadly lacking in that area. I am actually just learning some of the very basics.

Adios y Feliz Navidad