Jim McCarthy (former WCBS Washington Reporter) 9/26/09
Knowing your love of history, vis-a-vis WCBS "Golden Days," I thought you'd be interested in these pictures that I ran across while cleaning out the attic.
I found this ad for Newsradio88 [late 1960s]. That's me bottom left with Sen. Dirksen, the Senate Minority Leader, and bottom right in front of the Capitol.
 From the Demo convention in Chicago in 1968 when the Hippies/Yippies/Dippies were throwing Coke bottles filled with urine at the cops out of the Conrad Hilton Hotel windows, and I got hit on the side of my head with a bottle and then tear gased (the later courtesy of Chicago's cops). The photo took up the whole bottom back page of the newspaper (Daily American, I think). Right after the photo is when I interviewed three girls from Sarah Lawrence who said they came to hear "those famous guys, Williams and Slote and Coffin" (the Rev. William Sloan Coffin, civil rights champion and chaplain at Yale). Just after that was when I got shot by the tear gas rocket in my leg. "You did a fantastic job of editing my stand up and putting that live action on the air," Marv Friedman [News Director] bitched me out the next day because I was "covering up the Newsradio 88 logo on the mic!" So much for sympathy. Sam Digges [President, CBS Radio] and Joe Dembo [General Manager, WCBS] sent me lovely notes saying "keep up the good work." No flowers though.
 Me [far left protectively holding Newsradio88 mic] during the Washington, D.C. Vietnam protests [1971], when I calmed down the National Guardsman and took the rifle out of his hands and gave him a cigarette. He was scared silly. I was too pooped and numb to be scared.
 I remembered your saying something a while back about my following in my late father's footsteps, and ran across these from his glory days (55 years on the air, died 1985, four hours after his last sportscast). Note the "modern" console and all that fancy equipment [WBRE, Wikes-Barre, PA]. Only thing missing is the squirrel running around the cage to keep the power on.
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