Drollerie Press, a small (and new) publisher based in Ohio, wants to publish my novel Scars on the Face of God: The Devil's Bible. The publisher sent across the contract yesterday which I'm now studying. It's true I have no agent, and when someone asked me where had I learned of Drollerie Press, I couldn't tell them for sure. It may have been on Preditors & Editors. Then again, maybe not. Regardless, they are a small operation whose first print novels will be coming out this Fall and Winter; other offerings (novels, novellas, short stories) are available electronically on their website.
The novel will be published in both electronic and print (trade paperback, I believe) format, the electronic version earlier than the print version; the print version will take about eight months after we get the process started. You can see their website at The site, their values, their genres and intended audience, their willingness to work with first-time novelists, it all looks good to me so far. Now, I expect, is when the real work begins.
Here's a tidbit regarding timing: The Devils' Bible (or Codex Gigas, meaning Giant Book), a very real manuscript with legendary origins written in the 13th century, was returned by the Royal Library of Sweden in September to Prague after 359 years. It will be on display in Prague into January. For the past four years while I toiled over this novel I ran across no new information on the old manuscript, and I had googled it quite a number of times during the process. Last week, when I received a thumb's up from the publisher, it suddenly became news again. Eerie.
DON SWAIM INTERVIEWS IN NEW MARTIN CRUZ SMITH SERIES. Ballantine is republishing, in trade paperback, classic Martin Cruz Smith's brilliant mysteries starring Russian homicide cop Arkady Renko: Gorky Park and Polar Star so far. There's a five-page interview by Don with Martin Cruz Smith in Gorky Park, and a different seven-page interview by Don in Polar Star. The audio can be heard at: Wired for Books.
BCWW STYLEBOOK AVAILABLE ON INTERNET FOR FIRST TIME. This handy how-to primer for writers seeking publication or workshop submission went through three printed editions before the revised, expanded version was posted on the BCWW website. It covers such issues as length, formatting, clarity, pace, wordiness, etc. Not everyone will agree with its conclusions, but it's hoped some will find it useful.
I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful support over this past hectic month! I also wanted you to know that my YA novel WHAT I MEANT... is now published, and, thankfully, is garnering great reviews (PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY just called it an "outstanding debut"). More reviews and updates are on my
The book's status so far still holds the same: sequel and paperback cancelled, initial printing low (all because, I'm sure you remember, presales to chains were low), but the book is gathering steam, thanks to all the support I've been getting from you guys and others. So I thank you all! Let's hope it continues and WHAT I MEANT... reprints. My dream is to save my already written sequel (finger's crossed).
I'm continuing to personally visit every bookstore I can to introduce my book (been to NYC and Philly and the immediate local area...and my feet hurt!), and I'm now trying to contact every library in the state too. It's exhausting, but seems to work. Now if I could just clone myself...
Also, I've got some booksignings coming up:
Friday, August 3, Doylestown Bookshop (part of First Friday celebration) 7:30 p.m. on
Saturday, August 25, Borders Express in the Oxford Valley Mall, 1-4 p.m.
Saturday, September 8, Writer's Corner at Oakland and Main in Doylestown (part of the Arts Festival) 11-11:45 a.m.
Sunday, September 9, Doylestown Bookshop (Arts Festival again), time tba
Some other dates/locations are also on my website. For those of you who live farther away and want a signed bookplate for a copy of my book, please email me and I'll be happy to send you one.
So that's the news! Let's hope it keeps looking up. And I hope all your writer's dreams come true.
PUB DATE FOR CARMEN FERREIRO-ESTEBAN'S NOVEL SET FOR OCTOBER 25, 2007. Advance reading copies of Carmen's young adult novel, Two Moon Princess [originally Leaving the Castle], are already being distributed by the publisher, Tanglewood Press. The 324-page novel is geared to young readers age nine and up. It can be pre-orered from For more information go to Tanglewood Press. Carmen, a long time member of the BCWW, grew up in Lugo, Galicia --- Nortwestern Spain-- and went to college in Madrid, where she earned a Ph.D in biology.
FROM MARIE LAMBA: To all my wonderful writer friends: I wanted to let you know in advance that I've just booked my first booksigning a week after my book hits the shelves. I'll be at the Doylestown Bookshop on Main Street in Doylestown from 7:30 p.m. till at least 9:30 p.m. on Friday, August 3rd, 2007. It's during the town's First Friday celebrations (for you out-of-towners, that means lots of people and free entertainment and fun around the town), so it should be a blast. Please come and visit. What I Meant... comes out July 24th, 2007 (3 days after Harry Potter), and is available for pre-order through now. I'm keeping my website up to date with info (and some new pix on there as of today), if you'd like to check out Thanks to all of you for your support! Best, Marie
WIRED FOR BOOKS WINS OHIO "PROGRAM OF THE YEAR AWARD": Many of you know Don Swaim's audio interviews are posted online at Ohio University's Wired for Books website. The site's founder, David Kurz, sent this email (2/13/07): "I'm in Columbus today, where Wired for Books will receive Program of the Year Award from the Ohio Public Broadcasting Association. Thank *you* Don, for your gifts and your support. The award won't be official until 5 p.m. We were informed early so we'd be there to receive the award."

BCWW Member Jules Winistorfer
click to enlarge

Jack manning the bar |
On Dec. 9, 2006, BCWW members and their guests descended on New Hope for a festive literary soiree hosted by member Jack Stewart and Don McGee at their gorgeous home. Scorecard as follows. WINE: ambrosial; FOOD: délicieux; AMBIENCE: affascinante; COMPANY: sympathique; MUSIC (by John Scioli): harmonious. For pictures click here. |
FROM MARY JANE AKLONIS: I have a guest piece in the "I Remember" column of In Your Prime, November 2006 issue.
FROM CARMEN FERREIRO: Hello writers, I have good news. My first book Leaving the Castle -- critiqued by the group ages ago -- has been accepted for publication by a small house, Tanglewood Press. (****)
FROM DON SWAIM: DaRK PaRTY ReVIEW, a Boston-based online literary magazine, queries Ambrose Bierce Site and BCWW webmaster Don Swaim about the life and disappearance of the legendary curmudgeon. Go to: DaRK PaRTY ReVIEW. Another Bierce interview with Don appears in the November issue of the nationally published Outside Magazine, on the newsstands October 2006.
FROM GRACE MARCUS on her novel in progress: Visible Signs was a semi-finalist in the annual William Faulkner-William Wisdom Writing Competition sponsored by the New Orleans Pirate's Alley Faulkner Society. Had it made the finals, I would have been invited to the black tie gala to hobnob with agents & editors. [we're proud of you, Grace -- BCWW]
JOHN SCIOLI wrote a nostalgic essay on growing up with music for the July 2006 issue of In Your Prime.
AL SIROIS won first place in the 2006 Kittie Friend West short story contest sponsored by the Writers Corner.
These published or hopeful writers, all past or current members of the BCWW, formed their own club.
JULES WINISTORFER has a nostalgic essay in the March 2006 issue of In Your Prime.
EX-BCWW MEMBER MARIE LAMBA SIGNS TWO-BOOK DEAL WITH RANDOM HOUSE. A young adult novel by Doylestown Borough resident Marie Lamba has just been accepted for publication as part of a two-book deal with Random House Publishers. What I Meant, (a novel for ages 12 through adult) is about 15-year-old Sangeet Jumnal and her coming-of-age tribulations made even worse by her Indian father, who won't let her date until she's 16; an American mom who usually sticks up for Sang, but now suddenly thinks her daughter is a liar, a thief, and a bulimic; and her aunt who has been living with the family for three months and has been stealing money and food and setting up Sang to take the blame. The novel, which is scheduled to appear in summer 2007, takes place in Doylestown, and includes scenes at many Doylestown landmarks and businesses, such as CB West High School, the County Theater, and Fonthill.
Lamba, a freelance writer for the past 15 years, has published more than 100 articles, including pieces in national publications such as Writer's Digest, Garden Design and Sports International. What I Meant is her first novel.
("Hi to all my writer friends. Wanted to pass along my good news. Thanks so much for all the encouragement and guidance you've each provided me with over the years." -- Marie)